The Coca-Cola "Green Zone" - Campaign Concept

Every hour, an estimated 900 metric tons of plastic waste remain unsorted and pollute the environment. An estimated 8 – 10% of that are plastic bottles and plastic caps. This fact is the driving force for Coca-Cola's Global World Without Waste Vision and their ultimate goal to collect and recycle a bottle or a can for everyone sold before 2030. 
Problem / Challenge: There is a long-term negative association of Coca-Cola as the major ocean and environment polluter – fed by Greenpeace reports, other NGOs, media, and politicians. 
The Goal:  Across Europe, there are multiple Coca-Cola initiatives under the “Zero Waste” umbrella. E.g. the coastal countries initiate marine litter collections, some cities activated Zero Waste schools, festivals, etc. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce waste generation, reduce the environmental impact of events (owned and beyond), and optimize waste separation across communities. 
The Idea: "Recycle around the corner, and contribute to a greener city by your own hands!" 
WHAT? The “Green Zone” is a physical place. 
WHY? A place to make recycling easy, fast, and fun. It is a place to deposit your empty bottles and to socialize whilst activating “green behavior” 
GOAL? Our goal is to support the consumer by locating the “Green Zones” at multiple locations for a “greener city” and to throw the plastic bottle in the right place at that moment. 

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